Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Number 4 - Drink a scotch sitting at a bar - completed September 24, 2009
(not really a bar, but that's just a technicality)

Okay, I only kind of did this one. I was doing the FFC sketch show with Victor Raider-Wexler, an avid scotch drinker. Trust me, the man knows his scotch. I had told him about my list and how I wanted to try a scotch, as I never had. So, at our final dress rehearsal, he brought several different types of scotch to the theater (which the boys all enjoyed heartily in the dressing room). At the end of the night during notes, Victor brought them all out and lined them up on the table with shot glasses for me to try.

Here is the kicker - that was the DAY that I found out that I was pregnant. It was very early in my pregnancy so I didn't want to tell anyone yet. But I needed some help so I told Joyce. I would barely take a sip, then Joyce would grab the glass and say, "let me have some." God love her.

It smelled great, but I think it is too strong for my blood. I'm a beer type of girl. I also was in the throes of morning sickness (which lasted round the clock for me during my first trimester) so I didn't really get to enjoy the moment as much as I'd wish.

I do want to thank Victor and I hope my faces didn't offend him. Victor is a wonderful, generous man. I wanted to tell him I was pregnant, but Joel and I both thought we should wait to announce it.

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